Saturday, April 4, 2009

Buckeye, Az Sat Evening

Boy after a Friday of very high winds, today was a delight. We had tents blown down, lots of sandbags and rocks to hold things down but today was a day of a full house for the opening ceremony and visiting the exhibits.
A couple of pictures are included today of the medal of honor tent. It contains the remains of a Civil War buffalo soldier, Cpl Isaiah Mays,who had been buried in a potters unmarked grave. His remains very shortly will be on their way to Arlington National cemetery for proper burial. The full story can be found at the following website.
Their is also a picture of a beautiful Gold Star flag that was given to us to display at each site along the way. We appreciate the generosity and honor given to us on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Old Guard Riders Inc. said...

The Gold Star flag was donated to the AVTT by myself and my wife, Ron and Lea Eppich, founders of Old Guard Riders Inc. a veterans non profit organization. This flag was presented to our family at the military funeral of our son, Sgt. Robert Eppich.

It was gladly given in behalf of all of those who have given their lives in military service.

Ronald S. Eppich
Old Guard Riders Inc.